Target-ready Voter Data

  1. Improved campaign outreach
  2. Email new voters
  3. Better voter retention
  4. Reduced voter attrition
  5. Reach your primary audience
  6. Save time and resources

The Best Data Privacy   

  • Zero 3rd party analytics
  • Zero social media tracking
  • Zero use of tracking cookies
  • No location-based tracking
  • No web beacons or clear gifs
  • No flash cookies or LSO's
  • No IP Address tracking
  • Other info providers track you
  • We don't track you at all


serious about privacy

Reach your target voter quickly & efficiently

Total Registered Voters: 67,296,856
Data varies by state

Voter Data Services

Voter Registrations as a Source

Fuel Your Campaign
With A Registered Voter Mailing List

When you need to find and get involved with registered voters you'll want to order a list from us!

Specify your geo-criteria and your political affiliation requirement(s), and we'll get back to you with a pre-count based on your criteria. Data elements are typically name, address, date of birth. Additional data elements have been sourced through political donor information and survey data.

Your campaign relies on a strong voter base. This is how you do it.

Our data is gathered from frequently-refreshed state & county public registration files as well as a variety of other public sources.

One of our primary sources of consumer data is voter registration files.

Kick-start your targeted, multi-channel political campaign by utilizing a list of your target voter. Conduct cost-effective campaigns that reach the right people.

Below counts are estimates only as this data is fluid & subject to change.

Total Registered Voters: 67,296,856

  • Republican: 14,976,138
  • Democratic: 19,210,702
  • Green: 50,515
  • Liberal: 36,842
  • Libertarian: 48,844
  • Independence: 483,326
  • Independent: 546,773
  • Non-Declared: 8,263,873
  • Reform: 3,030
  • Other: 2,557,284
  • Unknown: 16,834,162

Last Contribution Amount

  • $1 - 999: 898,547
  • $1000 - 4999: 101,164
  • $5000 - 9999: 8,509
  • $10,000 - 99,999: 4,410
  • $100,000 +: 108

Last Party Contributed To

  • Democratic: 490,911
  • Republican: 506,775
  • Other: 15,296

Number of Contributions

  • 1: 690,047
  • 2 - 9: 314,143
  • 10 +: 8,799

Political Attitudes in TargetReady Models

Among our suite of TargetReady categories are several which indicate a household's political position. TargetReady represents a series of pre-developed categorical models, built using a full array of demographic and psychographic data elements, and intended to predict political behaviors and attitudes. Each TargetReady was built from responses from external survey data that consists of name and address and consumer responses to various products and services which are matched to consumer name and address data.

Each TargetReady Model predicts the likelihood of a household exhibiting a particular behavior or attitude. The models are ranked 9 thru 0, the higher the relative rank, the higher the likelihood that they possess the attitude or behavior. (9 = best, 0 = worst).

Leaning Conservative:
Households that have the highest scores (7-9) are highly likely to exhibit at least one or more of these characteristics:

  • Have purchasing power of at least $75K
  • Likely to be credit transactors (pay off monthly credit card balances)
  • Donate to health causes
  • Have interests in the following:
    • bible
    • catalogs and purchases
    • politically conservative causes
  • Reside in an area with a lower percentage of adult single males

Households that have the highest scores (7-9) are highly likely to exhibit at least one or more of these characteristics:

  • Reside in the Southwest or Southeast Region of the U.S.
  • Head of household is male
  • Likely to have a male between age 55-64 in the household
  • Contribute to a religious cause
  • Have interests in the following:
    • politically conservative causes
    • bible/devotional materials
  • Reside in areas with a relatively higher percentage of employed civilian population working in agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, and mining industries

Leaning Liberal:
Households that have the highest scores (7-9) are highly likely to exhibit at least one or more of these characteristics:

  • Have a higher home value
  • Likely to be credit transactors (pay off monthly credit card balances)
  • Use internet heavily
  • Have interests in the following:
    • finance
    • insurance
    • real estate

Households that have the highest scores (7-9) are highly likely to exhibit at least one or more of these characteristics:

  • Live in Metro Chicago, NY, Mid Atlantic, LA, Pacific and New England region
  • Have fewer number of males in the home
  • More likely to have attended college
  • More likely to live in a home with a female, 18-34 of age

Opinion Leaders:
Households that have the highest scores (7-9) are highly likely to exhibit at least one or more of these characteristics:

  • Head of household is between the ages of 35 and 59
  • Majority may have Estimated net worth of $270,000+
  • Have households with heavy internet user
  • Live in one the following states:
    • Washington
    • Missouri
    • Colorado
    • Maine
    • New Hampshire
    • Iowa
    • Pennsylvania
    • Illinois
    • Indiana
    • Connecticut
    • Minnesota
    • Idaho
    • Oregon
    • Utah
    • Wisconsin
    • Michigan
    • Maryland
    • New Mexico
  • Contribute to environmental causes
  • Have interest in credit card use

Tell us your criteria & describe your needs below.

Voter List Service Inquiry

Voter List FAQ:

Q: Do you have any information on how accurate this data is?

A: Voter registration files come from the state. Therefore, the data is as it was reported to the state during the individual's registration process.

Q: How old is this data?

A: Due to multiple historical sources, the age of the data varies. It often depends upon how frequently and how quickly the state releases their data to us.

Q: How often is it purged and updated?

A: In general, the states listed above are received twice a year.

Q: Is it possible to have someone who hasn't registered to vote in the last 10 years but is coded as a democrat because that's what they were last registered as?

A: Yes as long as the individual record is verified through one of our other sources to still be present in the household.

Q: Why don't you have data for all 50 states?

A: Due to state regulations, privacy policies, and availability we only receive data for a limited number of states. In addition, not every state provides the same information. For example, one of the states may not provide the affiliation data even though we may receive the information from another state.