

  1. Indentify address changes not filed with USPS
  2. One in five of all movers do not notify USPS
  3. Over 750,000 new COAs added monthly
  4. Typical lift is 5-20% over NCOA

The Best Data Privacy   

  • Zero 3rd party analytics
  • Zero social media tracking
  • Zero use of tracking cookies
  • No location-based tracking
  • No web beacons or clear gifs
  • No API cookies or LSO's
  • No IP Address tracking
  • Other info providers track you
  • We don't track you at all


Since 2002: Massive multi-sourced PCOA masterfile...

PCOA any single list up to 28,000 addresses for just $85

Proprietary Change of Address


Includes Address Updates from NCOA plus Utilities, Phones Carriers, Credit Cards processors, Real Estate purchases & more!

Nation's Lowest Rate for Proprietary Change of Address:
$2.95 per thousand records
Minimum Processing Fee: $85

Proprietary Change of Address is more important than ever because over 1/3rd of Americans no longer report their moves to USPS...and those address changes are simply not found in NCOA file. PCOA is designed to help with this.

Why you need PCOA
NCOA is self-reported, so if your addressee doesn't report their move, that information won't make it into the NCOA database. This means that many address updates are missed.

  • NCOA = 100% dependent on self-reported info
  • PCOA = Full NCOA + Updates from Utilities, Phone Carriers, Credit Card Processors, Magazine Subscriptions & more

Here's the challenge: USPS relies solely on postal customers filing change of address forms with the postal service when they move. Increasingly not all movers fill out this form, meaning that NCOA alone cannot provide complete new address information.

NCOA alone may not be your complete address update solution

  • PCOA adds movers that cannot be corrected using USPS NCOA data alone
  • Proprietary multi-sourced dataset:
    • Utility company info
    • Phone carrier connects/disconnects
    • Magazine publishers (over 120)
    • Credit grantors
    • Retailers & catalogers
    • Third-party credit card processors
    • High-end purchases
    • Real Estate transactions & more
  • Almost 140MM COAs going back more than 10 years
  • Over 750k new and unique COAs added monthly
  • PCOA increases the number of corrected movers by 5-20%
  • Reduce wasted mailing expenses & enhances marketing effectiveness

PCOA: Powerful dual-level processing
NCOA is the first step in our fully-automated process, followed by PCOA.

When there is a NCOA match for an address in your data, processing stops for that record. Addresses in your data that do not match in the first step (NCOA) are automatically routed to the second step (PCOA), which goes through our massive PCOA dataset. It's a proven technique that works.

Please note that address updates from PCOA should not be used for Billing, Statements, Sensitive Material, Personal & Confidential, etc. Instead, rely on NCOA updates for that.

How does it work?

  • Create your list (usually this means exporting it from your database)
  • Include any columns you may need in addition to Name, Address, City, State & Zip
  • Login anywhere on the website using your UserID & password
  • Click 'Proprietary Change of Address', Submit, then upload your list
  • Processing initiates moments after successful file upload
  • Names & addresses are matched against our national PCOA dataset
  • Fresh addresses are appended to your list with indicator of dataset source
    • Moves from NCOA flagged with 'Y'
    • Moves from PCOA flagged with 'P'
  • A mail deliverability score is applied to every address in your list
  • When processing is complete, receive Notification Email with download instructions

PCOA: Your database will thank you

NCOA alone is not a complete address update solution.